example #1: wanna cut with me next period?

example #2: imma jus cut mrs. smiths class cus I failed her class already.

example #3: damn, the school called my house today cus i've been cutting school for 2 weeks

person #1: i didn't see you in class yesterday
person #2: cus i was cutting
by nymdLHO July 28, 2008
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That guy must work out alot he's Cut
Did you see that guy he works out at the gym all the time. He's Cut
by New York Salty November 21, 2015
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V. The act of inflicting wounds upon oneself often to deal with overwhelming stress/trauma/ect; a form of self-injury/mutilation.

It is often associated with depression and emo music, and has become a bit of a "fad" with people today.

It often becomes an addiction due to the brain associating it with realease from stress, trauma, tension, ect.
Jaimie was molested when she was a child and the trauma has caused her to begin cutting.
by the bleeding_beauty July 22, 2005
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(1)adj. When you are circumsized
(2)v. The act of circumsision
(1) His has a cut dick.
(2) He was cut at birth
by Jeff March 6, 2005
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a new edition to ebonics which can be substituted in place of "turn it on" or "power it on." inversely, "cut it off" refers in the negative to "turn it off" or "power it down."
psshhh i tried ta surf da web dis mornin but my laptop be trippin....i cut it on but it flexed on me...so i cut it off. i axed the dude at dat computer shop why it flexed and he look at me like ima fool. bitch be tripping. can't cut it on. fuck dat shit.
by bdizzlefarizzle August 4, 2011
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