Two traditions of exploration come together in the history of the word spikings, which also illustrates how knowledge of the classics has influenced teachers at DCGS to call him a dumbass. Scientifically spiking was described a large, arboreal, anthropoid ape of Amersham. It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength, which allows him to represent the school team. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, resembles that of man, with of course no brain.
I hope you all enjoyed this short extract about spikings!!!!
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When two guys are in a 69 position with each other.
Chris asked Mark to come over but Mark said he didn't feel like spiking tonight.
by Josh July 29, 2004
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person with spikes who usually has a bitch fit if his/her gel is gone.
Dude, you're such a spikes.. Who cares if you don't have it spiked up.
by Vladmister January 13, 2010
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Verb. In orienteering, to execute a route choice perfectly; to run directly to a control without wasting any time or effort.
"I spiked everything except number 2 where I lost 30 seconds"
by Mark Roberts August 4, 2006
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A sudden pause in information recieved during online games. Usually pausing the game for a few seconds.
So called from the net graphs where a sudden increase (or spike) meant pauses in the game.
"Agh! Bloody spikes."

"Sorry, I was spiked."
by LAG January 21, 2003
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Spiked, it does mean drink whacking, BUT it also is a popular phrase that i and others use in Dynasty Warriors, it means in a duel, where you are bounced on the spikes, again and again...
"yar die Zhao Yun"
Jiang Wei hobbles up to him
Zhao Yun combo's Jiang Wei into spikes, and then juggles him on them, Jiang Wei gets a true mousou and kills Zhao Yun, or its a draw etc
by Lantilong March 24, 2005
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The guy in Notting Hill who is superlative but is not superior at all to 4 Weddings and a Funeral
by Tom Scott March 15, 2003
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