The act of defecating or urinating in a bathtub. The act is typically paired with intoxication and generally results from apathy or else long waits for the toilet.
Dammit Andy, you pulled the Nevada Tub Thump again? Was it number 1 or number 2? Terrible.... just terrible.
by Francois1980 March 26, 2009
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The sexual act of freezing a cactus and placing it in ones anus.
Tyler is one freaky brother, he gave himself a Cold Nevada Night the other night while Kyle watched!
by Big Rock 56 March 3, 2014
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its like regular vaginal or anal intercourse but replace the penis with the balls. these become like anal beads or cute little dildo nuts. the friction is a little harder to produce, but the intense feeling of bonding that is synonymous with nevada depositioning more than makes up for the lack of normalcy. anyway, you're from nevada, you're not looking for missionary position are you? you want the fresh. the epic nutsertion of delight.
A player handles a lot of money in life. He know the value of a real investment.
A nad properly alloacated accrues real interest. love interest that is.

two lumps of coal can become diamonds with this technique.
yo yo yo, i pulled a Nevada Deposit Box with my girl and left my jeweles in there for safe keeping. also, the value increases over time.
by cetera December 13, 2008
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An abnormally slow person who typically stops doing their work early, especially when it’s needed the most
I would go to Taco Bell, but all their employees are Nevada Poll Workers.
by 010Rusty November 5, 2020
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A breed of wild mosquito that lives high in the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains and is particularly hearty . They live at or above the snow line, are immune to most bug and mosquito repellents and some drink Deet for breakfast and after dinner .
Those dam Sierra Nevada Mosquitos stole my Deet and drank it like it was beer. Then they tried to drag me into the bushes and have their way with me.
by Drog65 July 25, 2019
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term referring to the breasts of a flat-chested hippie
If her legs weren't hairy, her hair were clean, and if she didn't have Sierra Nevada Pancakes, she might be cute.
by Jodiel February 29, 2008
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;A Nevada meat sock is when a penis and balls are shoved into a vary lose ass hole, its also referred as a Nevada meat socket and plug shove.
Exp:That chick last night was so lose i could of done a Nevada meat sock
by PMC79 February 28, 2011
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