The act of extracting milk (semen) from your roommates while they are sleeping by jerking them off
Roommate 1: "Why the fuck is there semen all over my bed again?"
Roommate 2: "Cause I was up all night milking you! Haha."
by adsffgvsdfadf February 23, 2015
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Hot ass German who can have sex with any one they want (usaly hot ass bitches). Usualy nazi blood is in the milke family.
That milke is one hot piece of ass.
by Vitaliy March 26, 2005
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When something is really good.

An expression of great approval.
Mate, this pasta is milk!

This song is well milk!
by two e's June 30, 2011
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The name given to a girl who is self-conscious, even though she is beautiful.
The Prettiest girl in town.
She is generally tall, slim, with big boobs.
People, both boys and girls drool over her.
Milk is usually the smartest in a friendship group if not grade.
Milk generally has very nice hair, and colors it dark shades.

Frank: Wow, look over there, it's Milk!
Gerald: She definitely is something.
Frank: She can't be straight.
Gerald; Yes she can. She's not into girls.
Frank: I want her.
Gerald: me too.
by EDWARDCULLENxxxx April 10, 2009
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to be drained of money, bought something too expensive.
Joe: How much you buy that game?
Bob: $100
Joe: You got milked
Bob: Thanks
by eric jin May 2, 2005
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When someone takes a joke too far, and it is no longer funny.
Guy 1 - HaHa dude your so feaking queer xD

Guy 2 - So... Your nans got webbed feet ^^


Guy 2 - ......You milked it.... -.-
by dontevenaskdude January 8, 2010
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Jersey slang for When you aggressively rub down someone’s head to their neck
Yoo Boul just milked em
by Jersey Boul Geeked June 7, 2021
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