n. common
Due to the extreme fragility and bugginess of Microsoft Windows,
misbehaving applications can readily crash the OS
(and the OS sometimes crashes itself spontaneously).
The Blue Screen of Death, sometimes decorated with hex error codes,
is what you get when this happens. (Commonly abbreviated BSOD.)
It is often impossible to recover cleanly from a BSOD. The blue screen of death can strike anywhere.
At the Comdex trade show, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
encountered the Blue Screen of Death during a demonstration of Windows 98.
(He had a spare computer standing by).
by notposs April 26, 2006
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Something that is now virtually extinct, thanks to Microsoft's brand new stable OS.
"OH NO!!!!1MY WIDNWOZ 3.1 HSA CARAHSED!!!!!!!!11111"
"You need Windows XP, dipshit. Welcome to the real world."
by Assholes Inc. September 3, 2003
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An error message that appears in blue and white on windows 95/98/2000/me/nt/xp/2003 boxes every time you: read a cd-rom/plug in a usb device/install new hardware/read e-mail/play solitaire/look for porn/listen to mp3's/click on start/change the background/chat over IRC/install any kind of new software/make 'backups' of windows Cd's to share with your friends/type word documents/try to get you fscking soundcard to work/calibrate your joystick/open 3rd party browsers like firefox/compile cpp files/keep your pc on for more than two minutes ect.

The problem is rarely caused by bad memory. the main cause is bad programming, whereby a program (usualy explorer.exe, but other virii are also known) ignores memory boundries and writes data to memory locations allocated to other programs, causing them to abort.
Windows caused a page-fault in module winsux.dll at 0x442298765, 0x656758958, 0x2234323434

An access voilation occured while trying to reference memory at 0x444567358

Unspecified error. Abort, Retry, Fail?

"fo fucksakes!"
by d-_-b June 2, 2005
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All modern Pop, R&B, and Rap music that consists of monotone and computer instrumentals. These songs containing computer instrumentals sound like a Windows Desktop Operating System crashing or known as "Blue Screening".
Some people could consider all music that came out in the past 5 years as "Blue Screen Music" because they only sound like a computer crashing in the background
by jondich July 1, 2021
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when windows running mashines die, they show the infamous blue screen of death... a blue screen with a bunch of crap writing on it that basically tells you that your dumb computer finally met its end for today, aka crashed (but what it means is go buy yourself a Mac while you at it because they're alot better anyways). This screen is a fairly common occurance among windows users.... poor deprived people...
Joe- OH MY GOD MY PC IS SHOWING THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH..... AGAIN!!!! and i was just about to save my huge report! *sob*
Jennifer- oh im sorry, heres a kleenex. why dont you use my brand new iMac G5 to finish your report? it never crashes
by PitchBlackPony November 28, 2004
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windows' way of saying "get linux"

It's what happens whenever you try to do ANYTHING on a windows box
man, this movie is sweet....
dam windows blue screen of death
*restarts comp*
by muffin man 2.0 July 25, 2006
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1. It occur when YOU majorly fuck up, it doesn't occur ramndomly.

2. Message telling you to get a XP
1. Idiot: How long have you own your Windows XP
Me: Two years.
Idiot: Wow, it must be tough
Me: How so?
Idiot: You know, having to deal with all those BSODs
Me: Oh yeah, those two times were dreadful
Idoit: Two times? How often are you on your computer? Once every six months?
Me: How about everyday?
Idiot: You should buy a Mac, you won't get the BSOD
Me: Oh yeah, I would love to own a OS that crashes four times a day.
Idiot:....Shut up.

2. Idiot: I got the Blue Screen of Death again!
Me: What version do you own?
Idiot: Windows 95
Me: Then get a XP!
Idiot: What for?
Me: Oy.
by Tonio31 August 28, 2006
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