11 definitions by Tonio31

Ancient History: Words can't really describe them, they were great.

Modern: The second worst group of people on Earth. (right behind Terrorists!!!!) They are all rude, disrespectful, spoiled, ignorant pieces of shit and are the sole reason why everyone hates Europe. Except for the Germans and the Swiss, they're nice.
I meant my fair share of Europeans so don't tell me I don't know anything about them.
by Tonio31 August 13, 2006
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Something that needs to be kept away from humans
Beer what else is there to say?
by Tonio31 September 7, 2006
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A suck ass team that's going suck even more without T.O.
The Philadelphia Eagles will go 5-11....if they're lucky.

Go Cowboys
by Tonio31 August 18, 2006
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(Note: I'm talking about American football, fucking Euro-Trash)

Think of a rugby player, only bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, and in pads.
Football players play the most psychically and mentally demanding sport in the world.
by Tonio31 August 13, 2006
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1. It occur when YOU majorly fuck up, it doesn't occur ramndomly.

2. Message telling you to get a XP
1. Idiot: How long have you own your Windows XP
Me: Two years.
Idiot: Wow, it must be tough
Me: How so?
Idiot: You know, having to deal with all those BSODs
Me: Oh yeah, those two times were dreadful
Idoit: Two times? How often are you on your computer? Once every six months?
Me: How about everyday?
Idiot: You should buy a Mac, you won't get the BSOD
Me: Oh yeah, I would love to own a OS that crashes four times a day.
Idiot:....Shut up.

2. Idiot: I got the Blue Screen of Death again!
Me: What version do you own?
Idiot: Windows 95
Me: Then get a XP!
Idiot: What for?
Me: Oy.
by Tonio31 August 28, 2006
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The act of threatening someone with violence in order to obtain something or accomplish a goal.
Terrorism can be perfrom by anyone. For example threatening to punch a guy in the face if he doesn't give you five dollars count as terrorism, but don't tell Bush
by Tonio31 September 1, 2006
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