
coming down from a "high" on drugs. usually where the really good feelings start fading away, and you get tired.
I was thizzin allll night, but after a while i started crashing, and went home.
by Heidi Terra January 8, 2007
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The effect you get when a stimulative substance (Drugs, alcohol, caffeine) wears off. When crashing, you'll suddenly feel very tired and/or sad.
I started crashing hard at last night's party, so I went home.

I really crashed, but I was all out.
by teraku January 18, 2013
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crash sleep
2. to stay at someone elses house for the night
1. "Dude, i'm going to go crash. See you later"
2. "Is it okay if I crash here?"
by claire March 4, 2003
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'Crash', deriving from the term used in the popular DC Comics cartoon "Young Justice" by the character Bart Allen or "Impulse".

Meaning: Cool or a positive feeling towards something.
Used in a Sentence:
Person1: "So there's a party happening at Brad's house tonight, he said beer is on the house."
Person2: "Dude that's totally crash."
by RandomInternetGuy0515 October 23, 2019
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"those guys crashed the party at my girlfriend's house, but they brought booze and dope so we let them stay."
by kool kat November 9, 2003
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D.Y.S is full of crash dummies
by matt cooney April 29, 2009
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Hangover or other ill physical and psychological after effects as a result of a drug leaving your system and your body craving more. Specifically , this term refers to amphetamines, though it's often used to refer to other drugs as well.
The crash from the speed was so bad I couldn't move from the corner I was crying in for 3 hours, until I found my fifth of jim beam.
by oz July 9, 2003
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