What your history is from.
by nikkiisalwaysright February 16, 2009
A remark that informs an individual they have missed out on background information critical to a joke (or storey).
Joe: Hey Ben, remeber that book?
Ben: HAHA, yes, i'm sure the mice would be pleased with 42.
Daniel: What the? Mice?
Ben: (to Daniel) Backgrounding Daniel!
Daniel: Oh. Damn.
Ben: HAHA, yes, i'm sure the mice would be pleased with 42.
Daniel: What the? Mice?
Ben: (to Daniel) Backgrounding Daniel!
Daniel: Oh. Damn.
by Benni ( Zepher ) June 3, 2006
by Jjindtag October 2, 2017
If you are a background friend:
You don't fit in with any particular group of friends.
They are all closer with each other than with the background friend
People who you think about a lot, but feel don't think of you very often.
You don't fit in with any particular group of friends.
They are all closer with each other than with the background friend
People who you think about a lot, but feel don't think of you very often.
by Sotapana June 16, 2019
A character in a movie or play that is meant to literally just exist. These people live normal boring lives that no one cares about and thus they exist just for development and enhancement of a scene setting. These characters could include the entire animated armies that all look exactly the same and named Joe, the elderly couple at the back table chatting over a cup of coffee, or simply a random derp blurry in the background staring off into nothing while we get to see a close up of Johnny Depp's lovely face. These people are actually the true wizards because they magically appear and reappear out of nowhere, are able to switch jobs in two frames, duplicate, and can change outfits in a matter of seconds.
Harry: *pauses movie* OMG! That background character is making the stupidest face!
Stacy: Uh...that's a mirror...
Stacy: Uh...that's a mirror...
by unicornz21 May 4, 2016
a person who has the same routine and stories for 20+ years, and can not comprehend anything outside of the lifestyle they live. They have few short term goals and even fewer long term. Their work ethic is hodge-podge, and the extent of the climax of their day is what they are having for dinner and who won the women's soccer finals. Background people will typically be gossips and are the main consumers of Time and Forge magazine. They are also consumed in there own feelings and only understand their own problems. Main sign of not being a background person is being driven mad by hanging out with background people.
Background person: "I can't believe John broke up with Trish"
Main person: "...yep"
Background person: "I wonder what's for lunch today?"
Main person: "...yep"
Background person: "I wonder what's for lunch today?"
by Chillbro July 11, 2015