to fuck someone in their ass; a form of sex
Chris H had anal with the J-Train!!
by CJ March 8, 2004
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1. Overly obsessive, scrutinizing every detail.

2. The act of anal sex between two males, often times as an attempt to excersize the partners sexual organ - the prostate.

3. The act of anal sex between male and female, usually the after effect of skillful manipulation and lying by the male.
1. "Man, if I want this report to get an A I'm going to have to be uber anal."

2. "Oh baby you totally worked my organs last night, you're the best at anal!"

3. "No seriously honey, all girls like anal once they get used to it! Just read the definitions on you'll see! Errr, wait not the one by J.Mat..."
by J.Mat October 22, 2006
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The adverb form of anal typically refering to sex.
"Sam got anally screwed last night!"
by Dalhusky August 27, 2006
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of, relating to, characterized by, or being in the stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory during which the child is concerned especially with its feces
He is anal.
by EvaLissens September 20, 2009
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"I's goin' to da doctor to get my pooter analized.
by Wilcher October 28, 2003
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Term used to describe recieving or giving anal sex. Where the male inserts the penis into the females, or males(in the case of homosexual sex) anus.
Bob: I got anal yesterday, from that chick at the mall!
George: Nice man, nice.
by i_r_sexy January 22, 2005
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The best type of sex in the world! If you do this, men are your slaves!
Kim and Jared were going out and he wouldnt buy her treats. So she let them do anal, and now she's showered with gifts.
by Imup4anything June 17, 2010
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