When you get so high that you lose the color in your face, become nauseous and lose the ability to converse casually.
Tommy looks like he's gonna puke, I think he's got the whites.
by GTW November 14, 2007
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Female equivalent of a hard on.
release of jucies caused by sexual excitment leaves a stain on their underwear
I got that chick so excited she got a white-on.
He's so hot, he gave her a white-on.
by Dickko July 23, 2011
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Located somewhere in NJ. Many people do not know Whiting exists unless you are:
Old- You probably live in one of the 100 nursing/senior home
Living in Whiting- You dread waking up 5am to catch the bus, knowing that your neighbor lives 2 miles away from you and if you die no one will even know
A deer- you probably made 100000 Bambi's making the deer population worse and worse.
A pedophile- yes, we know pedophile run rampant in Whiting
A Partier- Woods Parties are everywhere
A Fireman- Occasional wood fires happen.
A druggie- Theres so much trees you can hide anywhere.

Whiting is 98% white, 99.9% old, 99.99% trees. If you drive through Whiting you will get lost. And if you have T-mobile you will not have signal there.
-OMG guess where I saw a pedophile peeking through window!?
- Whiting !

- Where do you live?
- What the hell is Whiting?
by xoxoxoBambixoxo August 16, 2010
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Much like the blues, but more middle-class and privileged. Essentially a synonym for middle-class guilt.
Ooooh, I ain't got the blues... I've got those "The Big Issue is terribly noble... but the homeless are putting off tourists" New Labour middle-class whites.
~Fascinating Aida, the whites
by crabbadon February 18, 2011
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If you wear a white shirt and a white sweater, you are dressed white on white.
Hey homie look at him hes dressed up white on white!
by bälzi July 5, 2007
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A filthy race that is non-indigenous that steals lands, and are small minded ignorant things. Majority are decendents of murderist, rapist and theives. Some say this species like having inbread relationships even though there are billions of people they can unfortunately breed with. Unluggggggyyyyy
Oh youre white???? Yuckkkk!”
by Honest_Hoe January 6, 2018
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1. A white person who is highly respected in a circle of colored or mixed group of friends/people.

2. Coke dealer with very good stuff.
"Yo wussup Whiteness.. long time no see dust your shoulders off playa"

"Hey Whiteness, u gonna hook up the 8ball or what"
by Strait_Ryda January 4, 2005
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