got that

u: how many cans should i buy yo?
ur mom: 5, ok?
u: got that.
by lyzen October 30, 2020
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got that

when someone cant talk right or process information quick enough, when talking. said in a sarcastic tone.

also from tommy boy.
when trying to recite a punch line to a joke,

what do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark?

Frostbit {but its actually frostbite}

hmmm.. got that?
by i got that man February 9, 2009
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got got

were taken advantage of; were fleeced; were mugged
Dem niggaz got got at the swap meet!
by Herb N. Dictionary October 29, 2002
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Got Got

Yo, That guy who sells crack got got by the POPO
by Got Got. May 24, 2020
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Got Gotted

To be taken advantage of, swindled, finessed, or styled on.
Ex 1
person 1:"wow how much did you pay for this shitty ass oregano weed?"

person 2:"$50 for a gram"

person1: "wow you got gotted"

Ex 2

*lands MLG 360 no scope in comp*

by skrrrrboi22 January 10, 2019
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Used instead of "getting wrecked" for comic purposes (refer to MagikarpUsedFly) during a League of Legends game.
"Did you see that play? He absolutely got gotted!"
by Armourbot April 13, 2017
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When a league of legends player kills an enemy champion using Gangplank
MagikarpUsedFly Reference
03:01MagikarpUsedFly(Gangplank) has slain ggeznoob(Yasuo) for a penta kill
03:02MagikarpUsedFly(Gangplank): Gotted
by Ku Revu August 26, 2017
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