A man with no self-respect who wants attention from beautiful women to fill the void in his ego. He puts out time, energy (both physical and emotional), and attention to a woman in hopes that she reciprocates, but it's clear that she doesn't respect or appreciate him. They are often used as an "emotional dumpster" by the woman.

Often when he wants something in return or talks about something his own problems, all she can say is "that sucks" or some other short, curt response showing she doesn't care about his feelings.
"That guy is such a simp. That girl is just using him for attention and meals but she doesn't really care about him."
by Lei-Get November 15, 2020
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A man who places themself in a submissive role in order to gain favor with a particular woman. These people are considered beta males.
Me: Did you see Tom simping over Addison
Sal: What a fucking asswipe
by Rclark219 April 5, 2020
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Goddamn Max Brodie really died for female interaction. What a simp. Foo’ be lookin like Kylo Ren up in this bih frfr.
by Yung&Hung December 22, 2019
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A dude who does ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to get a girl (normally just to have sex with). They put the hoes before bros and that is not cool. The dude does WAY too much just for some sex.
by Rugby.sportssss01 May 16, 2020
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Simp is short for simpleton. a foolish or gullible person.
Let's run game on that simp ass nigga.
by Tmoedawg February 14, 2016
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when someone (guy or girl) is being too emotional or shows it too much
Ex. I miss her so much. She was my world my everything why would she leave me!! Man I'm sorry I'm being such a simp right now.
Ex. When you're feeling under the weather. Like hearing sad songs, barely speaking, crying, etc. Someone would tell this person to stop simpin.
by littlered05 October 22, 2012
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A mental illness that only affects Males
widely reported symptoms are as follows

1) Repetitious mumblings comprising of "Yes Dear" "No Dear" "Sorry Dear"

2) Allows himself to be trod upon repeatedly by females & apologizes pathetically for it

3) Grovelling to a female in the vain hope of receiving her validation to make them feel more like a "real man"

4) Giving attention/praise to undeserving females, the females are well aware of this and will use him to their advantage

5) Putting himself into a subservient/submissive position under a female in the hope of winning them over without the female bringing anything to the table

6) rolling out red carpets for every female encounter for no apparent reason

7) fighting with other Male sufferers either physically or verbally for sole female attention

8) Irrational thoughts
EG. thinks a female with 2 or more bastard children is a high quality female

9) Delusions
EG. In his eyes all females are good no matter what they do or say, he may feel beholden to a female due his delusions

10) Believes that a "Real Man" should shower female's with gifts & pay all her bills & entertainment costs,
most sufferers may do this for sex & validation from the female, whereas non-sufferers can clearly identify this as prostitution. More serious cases of simping sufferers may do this for female validation alone.

Known Cure
"The Red Pill" although some sufferers of simping reported that this can completely disappear with age & experience.
A daily dose of "The Red Pill" can help cure Simping
by Sirius-C April 25, 2019
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