an insane phenomenon of the '90s, trading cards,games, and TV show about hunting for cute little creatures to put them in this tiny ball. occasionally, they take them out of their ball, and make them fight against other creatures. if the pocketmonster wins the fight the owner is closer to becoming a pokemaster.
i want to be the very bestttt, that no one ever was! to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause....POKEMON! gotta catch em all.....its so truee, you teach me and i teach you, POK-E-MONNNNNNNN! gotta catch em all, gotta catch em ALLL! pokemon!
by gina___________ September 9, 2005
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Almost everybody says they hate pokemon, but the truth is that they love pokemon, but refuse to admit so that they dont look like a loser infront if his/her friends. One of the best games ever invented, until black and white came. Till the tv show made an appearance. Pokemon is so amazing at making money, because they can make 3 games exactly the same ( diamond pearl platinum) and the average person will but at least 2 of these games. Mystery dungeons explorers of ___ was amazing until the newest one released. Stop telling everyone you hate pokemon, stop saying pokemon sucks, just to make you look game ever. Hands down.
Group of cool kids: "Pokemon sucks.

2 hours later after they are home alone they are,all playing pokemon to afraid to admit it.
by DETROIT 8v92 December 28, 2016
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Also goes by the name Tyler and will make you smile so much that your cheeks will fall off. A Pokemon's smile will light up a thousand rooms, and on occasion blind those who stare into said smile. A Pokemon will make you laugh until your ribs hurt, and you will most likely continue laughing for a few hours. The only downside is that said Pokemon can not be summoned from a Poke Ball, because it does what it pleases. Treat a Pokemon with love, and a Pokemon will love you right back. (:
That Pokemon is an absolutely amazing creature!
by Derpaherpherp. November 7, 2011
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enslaving animals by shoving them into your balls. You can even buy new balls at the pokemart. You do not throw your testicles at the animal though. Believe it or not, one kid actually did that and it was really messy but also really funny.
I just threw my balls at that mawile to capture it pokemon is so much fun
by theMEKApilotsyoudon’tknow September 19, 2020
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The best franchise and game in the world. Pokemon is lit and better than everything else!
Gary sucks dick at Pokemon
by boroned April 23, 2018
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1. A Gameboy game which might have actually been okay if not for the other shit.
2. A creepy-ass card game.
3. A creepy-ass TV show.
1. I still play Pokemon Blue version. No school like the old school.
2. My Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard/And they're like, do you wanna trade cards/Damn right, I wanna trade cards/I will trade you, but not my Charizard
3. Did you see the new episode of Pokemon? James gives Wobuffet anal sex!
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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Pokemon was a great fad from the years 1998-2000. In Kindergarten, it was all that we could think about; trading, sharing, swapping, PKMN Red, Blue and Yellow.

It would have not been poked fun at today if they didn't make all these new Pokemon; 151 was good, except for perhaps Marill, Azumarill, Togepi, and Togetic, making 155. They should have stopped at Red, Blue, and Yellow.

The Anime show would have been very excellent if they left all the TV-14 content in the show, just like in Japan, here in America, without Team Rocket coming in every other episode.
*sigh* I once the old Pokemon, but the new ones suck ass.
by KingHenson August 27, 2006
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