39 definitions by Cortana Dragoon

Ugly-ass old guy aliens in Halo.

They don't do any of the fighting.
If the rest of the Covenant could just figure out that the Prophets are total wusses, none of this would have happened.
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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A restaurant chain that would have been cool if not for all the lawsuits.

Ever since the lawsuits, McDonald's is trying to make everything "healthier" and doing a really shitty job of it.

I say: fuck you! If their food is making you so fat, why eat there?
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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A lineup of really good anime and comedy on an otherwise pretty shitty channel, Cartoon Network.
Every Saturday night I wait for Toonami to be over, then I watch Adult Swim.
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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A pretty awesome show lineup on an otherwise pretty shitty channel, Cartoon Network.
"If you can't stand Toonami, just be patient. Adult Swim will come on in time." - me
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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Kick-ass weapon. Used for smiting (duh).
Don't make me smite you. Smite you with my smiting stick! - Peter Godly
by Cortana Dragoon August 12, 2005
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Some Muslims use their faith as an excuse to kill innocents.
by Cortana Dragoon July 16, 2005
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A substance of great mystery and horror.

Men find themselves drawn to it, as if it were a beacon leading them down the path to salvation.

Only to find themselves trapped in a realm of burning, hellish, eternal pain.
I had Tabasco sauce once and it was awful. But maybe that's only cuz I'm a woman ;)
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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