Is a title given to someone who holds an exalted position.
The name has come to be used as a mocking title for someone important or high-ranking and who exhibits an inflated self-regard.
"Fred Flintstone and his friend Barney Rubble were members of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes Lodge No. 26. A high ranking elected position within this organization is Grand Poobah or Grand Imperial Poobah. Poobah is a title of respect and often is linked to might in a role."
by David Rowlands July 7, 2006
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Taking a shit in a chicks vagina, mushing up the shit with your dick, then feeding the chick the shit
My girlfriend was hungry so I gave her a Grand Angus
by MR ANGUS November 8, 2009
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A respected older motherfucker who has been promoted by excelling as a motherfucker or by fucking one or more grandmothers
John is now a Grand motherfucker.
by JAKINTEXES May 22, 2011
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A baby grand piano that is so tiny it is more of a foetus than a baby.
We specially hired a baby grand piano to be played at our charity concert, but the piano they delivered was sooo tiny it was surely only a foetal grand.
by Scarlett.007 July 9, 2010
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An automobile that very few people know much about.
If tuned and modified properly, a Grand National will perform better than the competition when equal cash is spent.
by Tommy March 24, 2003
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A rockin town where all surrounding little towns and cities and even people from far away come to party. The party starts on may 24 and doesnt stop till labour day weekend.
what are you doing this weekend?

going to grand bend man!

aw shit man, you're have to stay in zurich..
by grandbend! December 19, 2009
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The 96-crayon box made by Crayola. This size box is usually bought by parents whose child is yelling because they love coloring.
One parent to another: "We had to buy the Grand Crayon because Susie thinks she is in love with her coloring books."
by geniusonwheels February 3, 2009
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