A car in the left lane which is going up to 5 MPH over the posted speed limit on the highway, and has probably started to rack up a car line. Often driven by the elderly, a person on a cell phone, or a soccer mom, floats will rarely switch to the other lane to let traffic pass.
I had a truck on my right and a float infront of me going 65. I was screwed.
by The Sub February 25, 2005
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Noun referring to a Mexican rice-based drink that's traditionally served over ice, especially in taquerias. This version requires a massive dump in the recipient's glass, followed by a processional, in Spanish, of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow".
"How come Juan puked his guts out?"

"Homes got a Horchata Float for his cumpleaños".
by Juan Frijoleros November 26, 2011
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Once springtime hits in Missouri, it is time to take a float trip. This involves floating down a river in a canoe, raft, or inner tube. You pay a relatively cheap price for your floating device and then you're off! Most people fill up coolers with beer and shots and actually pay for a separate inner tube to use for floating the beverages. If you live anywhere in St. Louis, you've been on a float trip!
"Hey, let's get a group together for a float trip this weekend!"
by Tunsa May 2, 2008
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When a male ever so gently rests his cock on a female's lips (either pair works).
Ciki- Yo did u hear Lazo banana floated Lola?
by Gay cunt 3 May 19, 2021
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n. When your balls touch the water of the toilet. Either when they hang really low or the toilet clogs and the water backs up.

Can also be used as a name to call someone who may or may not be responsible for a scrote-float.
"Hey Josh, you scrote-float! You clogged the damn toilet with that monster shit you took!"
by salazam November 11, 2011
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The opposite of "The cream rises". A saying used to denote that people in positions of power often got where they are through corruption and do not deserve the advantages they have
Tom: I got promoted again, the cream rises!
Tony: No dude, shit floats.
by D Flawless October 16, 2020
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