52 definitions by The Sub

A consumable molotov cocktail. Made by Bacardi, it is 151 Proof and, if not handled correctly, can send your drunk ass to the hospital with alcohol poisoning or third degree burns. It sure as hell will put some hair on your chest though.
151 will get you drunk, and if someone pisses you off, you can wrap a flaming rag around it and throw it at their car.
by The Sub January 23, 2005
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A type of every day civilian that forms menial tasks around the city. They are usually low class in wealth, and are very unkept in appearance. Shaggy or greasy hair, bad skin, and odor are usually found around mutants. They can be found driving a city bus, handing out parking tickets, or cleaning up government facilities.
I saw a mutant trying to write a ticket for my car because it was parked 3 minutes over the hour limit, so I told him to get the fuck outta there.
by The Sub February 16, 2005
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The cause of blowing a four game lead in the AL Championship Series to a wild-card team with a much lower payroll.
The New York Yankees were choking hard in the 2004 ALCS.
by The Sub January 31, 2005
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1) A person who makes loud noises, particularly during either sex or physical exercise.

2) A flash program with a massive shift in volume. It will usually start up low so you have to put your speakers up, then will emit a loud 'scream' literally out of nowhere.
1) I had to put a pillow on her head to keep her from waking up her parents, she was such a screamer.

2) That flash program which plays the song really low backwards is a screamer.
by The Sub February 18, 2005
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During long road trips, you may come across (or rather, they'll come across you) a lightning rod. It is basically a car which has one goal on the highway... to keep in the triple digits MPH. You'll discover them most likely riding your tail if your in the left lane.

The purpose of a lightning rod is to let them go. Chances are, you aren't obeying the speed limit either and, on a long road trip, you'll want to be pushing around 80. Police fundraisers on the side of the highway will catch this guy first. Lightning rods will eventually leave the highway or disappear into the horizon, and ghost cars might creep up on you.
I followed the lightning rod while maintaining a steady 80 MPH until it eventually disappeared.
by The Sub February 25, 2005
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The by-product of either rush hour or a lane closing as a result of a car accident or construction. Mainstreets and highways become choked with cars that are literally bumper to bumper. Like a bad storm, usually the only way out of a traffic jam is sitting through it.

Car lines and lane shields make getting off an exit a daunting game of chicken. Road rage is also pretty common.
There was a huge traffic jam on I-93 when some idiots collided into each other, causing two lane closures. It was backed up all the way to Quincy.
by The Sub February 25, 2005
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A structure in Washington DC which was never reached by Canadian forces, as they were destroyed at the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. It was burnt by British forces in the War of 1812, but a rainstorm dosed the flames.

See also: What some moron Canadian nationalist wrote for the first definition under Canada.
The President lives in the White House during his term.
by The Sub July 20, 2005
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