A gentle "titty-twister." There is actually no twist involved. It is just a simple "tweak" of the nipple to make it erect. Derived from Bruce Lee, who always had his shirt off and had hard nipples.
I love to randomly bruce the kids in the hallway and watch them grab their chests in shock.
by YouThinkYouKnowMe May 27, 2006
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When people lie on facebook, twitter or any social network.

falsifying your job, income or things you have done. Post pics of people they've had sex with, but haven't.
Dude is always brucing, he doesn't get any chics.

A person's facebook status says they are at a club, but they are really in the house means they are brucing.
by reece215 July 3, 2011
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To physically assault (often by punching) a child of 14 years or less who you are in charge of taking care of for the day at a summer camp.
Yo, I'm so pissed that Bobby won't listen to me today, I might just "bruce" him.
by greg7787 July 28, 2009
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feeling or looking really rough and dirty
"I'm feeling really bruce today."
"Yeah you're looking really bruce."
by Scraw April 14, 2009
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Bruce is a dick sucking faggot that loves to hit girls and eat all the food in his house . He rarely gets hair cuts and smells like ass , his stomach is bigger than a beach ball . And he never gets bitches
Bruce is a cock sucker
by Hdrjsosndhaknd June 7, 2018
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Bruce is a creepy stalker that will stalk you. He will stalk you everywhere, especially school.
"Bruce, stop stalking me"
by Simarkreet November 1, 2018
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Verb - to "Bruce" something is to achieve notoriety or public acclaim in a field or endeavour by merely having the audacity to continue until acceptance is attained. To properly "Bruce" usually requires a rather substantial inheritance and a lack of actual ability.
1. "He Bruced his way into the Presidency"
2. "He's a Brucie son of a bitch"
3. "Brucin' my way through the workday"
by Big, fat, loser, Al Gore July 11, 2008
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