Unreasonable plot devices and characters in movies that do not work when tested against normal physics and logic.
Titanic was a good example of movie theater logic in more ways than one-Jack could have fit on that door, for starters.
by anonymous-bystander November 19, 2018
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1) Coversation filler: sentence enhancers used enrich a boring, agonizing conversation.

2) Story fillers: The extra crappy filler episodes in your regularly scheduled programing to fill the gap an give the producer and team time to make more awesomeness.

3) Coincidental occurances created to link two or more completely contradicting together.
1) Mike's grocery store trip sounded more interesting with meatloaf logic.

2) Jen scoffed at the 5 episodes of meatloaf logic wasted on explaining Hero's after learning off the changing

3) No amount of meatloaf logic can account for the number of 1-year old Christmases that Maggie Simpson has sufferef through.
by p jones October 22, 2013
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Any opinion that a male says to a feminazi is not ok to the feminazi.

If a male is with the feminazis, he will be considered a wanker.
If a male is against the feminazis, he will be considered an oppressor.

Anything done by a man to a woman can be considered as sexual assault to feminazis. Most feminazis are lesbians and use shirts with the face of "El Che Guevara" (even when he was a homophobic).

Feminazis believe in a world with only womans, without even thinking that a world without mens would end in just some days,
Feminazi logic is like this.

Male: Womans shouldn't be able to be in a public beach topless.
Feminazi: Damn oppressor.
Male: I think it's okay for womans to be topless in public.
Feminazi: You must be a fucking rapist!
by Muxxer February 27, 2017
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dunno I just made up the word lol
Logicality :)
by ejendjenejen March 19, 2021
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Given enough time to prepare for any encounter, Batman will win.
Batsy: What are you, retarded? I'm the goddamn Batman!

Bystander: How did he just-
Bystander 2: Batman logic.
Bystander: But that doesn't make sense! How can he defeat-
Bystander 2: Don't question it. He's the goddamn Batman.
by PatchworkPsycho March 29, 2017
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To do shit that is completely stupid for the one reason of “because we have too”
Why the hell do we have to clean the hallway five minutes after we cleaned it?

Because “army logic” now get the buffer that we shouldn’t use on these floors.
by WidowMaker211 March 21, 2018
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(n. ) -- Logic that only the most sophisticated GPS devices can track, and therefore not very logical in fact.
"I can't believe my ex-wife said that about me. Only the most sophisticated GPS devices can track that kind of logic. That's what I call GPS logic at work!"

overheard at a watercooler in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2012
by PRwiz101 January 11, 2012
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