When someone consciously finds themself past their limit in a social situation but they find the energy to keep going because of social obligations. They often experience extreme fatigue after these moments are over.
The only reason I got through that office holiday party was because of social shock.
by carlthelong August 18, 2023
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Noun: The act of playing your ipod when the volume is accidently turned to maximum, usually caused by plugging it into a speaker. This usually results in a very bad headache and bleeding ears and/or looking like an idiot
Man after that party i got the worst I-shock after having my ipod plugged into those speakers.
by Ikutto June 1, 2011
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When you are surprised to find someone has had sex with a man
Wow! I can't believe my ex, Carson, had sex with a man! I'm cock shocked!
by Krystal696969 September 6, 2018
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When a person enters into a state of mania, with possible physical manifestations, upon learning there is NFL football is viewable -but the person isn't.
"Quickly, find a sportsbar, The Patriots are on and Mary Beth knows, and is going into NFLactic shock!!?!?"
by andersjg August 11, 2017
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When someone gets their spit and mucus and they inject into their relatives but then they fish all of it out with their tongue
My brother Alabama ape shocked me with their spit my butt is so clean
by Player69420 May 8, 2019
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When a cock leaves you flabbergasted. It could be because the cock is incredibly large or incredibly small. It could be because it has a fungus growing on it. For whatever reason the cock leaves you gobsmacked and stunned to silence.
"Dude pulled out an 11 incher and left me in cock shock bro istg"
by LOLLIPOP7400 February 26, 2022
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When you rub your feet on the carpet and touch penis tips with another man giving him a static electric shock.
Me and my boyfriend really love giving each other cock shocks.
by Jaylo_rainbo July 16, 2017
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