When during sex, typically with a country girl. A male will spit dip inside the girls vagina and then stick his penis inside the vagina with the dip inside.
"Dude I had Rebacca over last night, We did a tobacco sunrise"
by NaW_Chubbs December 4, 2022
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A Person who is easy to get into her or his pants. Their pants are smoking.
Daniel,"Hi Nikki."
Nikki,"Hi Daniel."
Daniel," Last night was amazing, i do say you have nice tobacco pants."
Nikki,"O Daniel you always know what to say."
by Brandon Radz April 1, 2008
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When you shove tobacco into your urethra and have you or your partner smoke it.
She smoked my Big Tobacco last night.
by Toilet Nut April 17, 2017
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1.) A sling to support a broken bone, made entirely out of tobacco
2.) Infamous name of Rolf Sling, the root'nest, toot'nest fighter in the West
3.) Term referring to Rangers at Provincial, state, and National parks who creep around at night checking on the campsites
1.) Hey guys, since we can't find a gauze sling, let's get a tobacco sling!
2.) The name's Rolf Sling, but my friends call me "Tobacca"...you know, like a tobacco sling
3.) midnight at the campsite "Hey eveyone, let's be quiet, I hear tobacco sling coming. Come get us Tobacca!"
by Lord Dave July 15, 2006
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A lovely blend of tobacco and marijuana. Smoked by clever stoners who like to make their weed last longer. Sold in coffee shops in Amsterdam in joint form. But best smoked through a bong.
Lets make some tobacco weed and smoke a bong.
by madhatterzzz January 3, 2012
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Marlboro Lights belong to a family of cigarettes and are a sort middle ground between Marlboro Red and Marlboro Silk Cut. They come in attractive white and gold box with the name Marlboro on the front in a tall thin font.

Having smoked for a number of years, I started my days as a smoker on the darker side, smoking brands such as Lambert and Butler, and Richmond (Blergh!) It was my sister who always smoked Marlboro Lights and after borrowing one from her one day, I have smoked pretty much nothing else since. The taste is smooth, and one that
I just can't seem to find in any other cigarettes, Benson and Hedges silver is a close contender. I really enjoy the lightness of these cigarettes, they're not heavy on the throat, don't leave such a horrible aftertaste and I'm convinced they don't smell as much as regular cigarettes.
I know smoking is bad, but I would consider myself a light smoker, smoking 1 - 5 of these cigarettes everyday. Now that I've got used to these cigarettes, I wouldn't smoke anything else. If you already smoke regular cigarettes, it's likely you will think these are too light but if you persevere you will get used to them, and since they contain less tar and less nicotine, they could be a good cigarette to use for weening yourself of. If you don't already smoke, I certainly wouldn't advise you start.
See: Cigarette-store.org
They are sometimes a little pricier than some of the other brands, but you do get what you pay for.
Marlboro tobacco
by SelenaL June 25, 2010
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