Someone who is tall and makes fun of short people
Shutt up your a sky crapper
by Size 14 February 3, 2011
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using the handicapped stalls for the extra leg room.and the handles are great for extra grunt power.
using the handi-crapper is much like flying first class.
by luvdady September 20, 2009
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"Oh fuck this, I'm not waiting for ages just to take a slash, I'm breaking into the cripple crapper."
by Alex January 19, 2004
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After that bean burrito, I had me a little "Crapper's Delight" going on.
by Joe Fist September 24, 2008
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A very useful invention. An easy chair with a built-in toilet, color TV, phone and refrigerator (full of beer of course), designed to eliminate the need to move.
Wow, thanks to my new Napper Crapper 9000, I can watch the game, guzzle beer, and never have to go to the bathroom! That lever on the side flushes the toilet!
by Chad December 17, 2003
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Noun: Another name for shit tickets. Also known as toilet paper.
"Hey Alex - I gotta take a huge grogan, and we're out of crapper coupons - please go get some while I take care of business."
by _salesman_ May 7, 2005
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The dude who, invariably comes into the stall next to you, breathing heavily, moaning and groaning, and proceeds to unload everthing he has eaten in the past week and a half. You never see him(because you are running out of the bathroom in fear), but you know he is there.
Why was Darrell running out of the bathroom so fast?
Must have been the Ghost crapper!
(sticks head inside bathroom) Yep. It was the Ghost crapper.
by lonestarjr June 12, 2013
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