Shut up thanks said by the bitch in bogan pride
Shanks mate! Means shut up thanks
by Redbeard89 October 8, 2011
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to pull one's pants down embarrisingly and unexpedly
My friend, Caroline got shanked by Cole at the soccer game.
by Caroline's BF October 30, 2005
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often defined as stabbing, but the other less recognized definition is to make a bad pass while playing volleyball.
"shank" passes usually result from a hard serve or hit, they cant be controlled, therefore they bounce off the players arms and fly out of bounds, not to be retrieved.
"She had the hardest serve ever! I totally shanked the ball and we lost."
by shayyyy August 17, 2008
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To stab someone and twist the blade while its still inside them. Used in the military Special Ops to kill someone quickly
Bob shanked phil and killed him instantly
by Jim May 25, 2004
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discrete and rapid thrusts with a sharp object, usually with something homemade or makeshift and usually directed toward to lower torso.

not to be confused with stab.
Rafael shanked his target in the gut with a ballpoint pen as he walked past him on the sidewalk.
by Action Steve July 29, 2006
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a cool way of saying thanks.
person: hey, nice pet unicorn!
otherperson: shanks!
by sandapanda May 30, 2011
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