(n) A tricked out ski resort near Sonora. Home to one of the best Ski Race Teams in California.

Often referred to as just dodge
Hey Andrew, we going up to dodge this weekend?

Wow the dodge ridge race team is helluv bomb
by brkillee July 1, 2005
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Originally called "Yellowhook". A largely middle class neighborhood in the southwest corner of the New York City borough of Brooklyn. With its strong family presence, it is not uncommon to see third or fourth generation families living in the region. Bay Ridge has been known for its large Irish, Italian, Greek and Scandinavian population, but like other areas in South/Southwest Brooklyn, it has recently seen a large influx of Russian immigrants, and a smaller amount of Chinese. Bay Ridge also has many international restaurants and bars, especially along 3rd and 5th Avenue. It is home to Fort Hamilton, the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, the 69th street Pier (and it's 9/11 monument), Owl's Head Park, and John Paul Jones Park a.k.a. "Cannonball Park".

Contrary to popular belief, Bay Ridge is not inherently a rich or poor neighborhood, and most of the mansions that some may see as part of the neighborhood are either landmarks or are actually part of nearby Dyker Heights.
Best place to get food? 3rd ave in Bay Ridge of course!
by 3l_0r50 July 23, 2008
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The grooved area where the shaft of the penis meets the bell end, where dick cheese is commonly found.
The filthy bastard showed off his cheese ridge, which was laden with smegma.
by Ross1981 August 10, 2006
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A smallish disgustingly rich town in New Jersey. Defining characteristics include SUVs, loads of money, and a largely preppy lifestyle.
A good indication that you are a Basking Ridge resident is that when you crashed your mercedes on the turnpike on the way to a Dave Matthews Band concert because you were driving while high, your parents immediately bought you a new BMW.
Everybody wants to get as far away from Basking Ridge as possible for college.
by Liz December 20, 2004
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Same as gooch, the skin between the anoos and the ballbag. Would also be a great name for a movie.
Would you like to take a trip to Bifkin's Ridge? Just lie down for a second... *squat*
by TommyB. April 1, 2008
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The ridged band also known as Taylor's band is the primary source of sexual pleasure found in the foreskin of the penis. This tissue is destroyed in victims of circumcision.
Thanks to my parents I was not circumcised and enjoy a normal level of sexual pleasure with my intact ridged band.

I love my parents because they did not remove my ability to experience normal sex with my ridged band.
by Graham January 3, 2004
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