151 definitions by Liz

a sound used to express confusion or lack of knowledge
a:who is that? and what are they doing?
b: *merph?*
by Liz January 8, 2004
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I have always thought of a sex braclets to be just a game but wherew i live they mean
Pink~Kiss on the cheek
Red~kiss an lips
purple~french kiss
purple glitter~oral sex
Black~all of the above
by Liz March 8, 2004
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A bum ass bitch that goes to ketcham she also look like a damn bear
damn wats that tall ass shadow awwww that's just nydira!!
by Liz March 25, 2004
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a. The King of All Media.
b. A true genius of radio and TV.
c. An extremely ugly man that beautiful women want to f--- (me included).
People who don't get it: "I hate that Stern. He's so rude."
by Liz July 25, 2003
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a channel that used to be realy cool and full of cool music untill it started showing more and more stupid shows that have nothing to do with music such as real world, rich girls, etc...mtv2 and mtvh are better...they play actual music.
lets watch mtv
no! thats just stupid shows! howabout mtv2 or mtvh instead?
by Liz December 28, 2004
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A rare disease you can only get through hand contact. They are still looking for a cure.
Doctor says I got spotch and they can't cure me right now.
by Liz August 22, 2004
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disgusting, old, ugly man who is old enough to be your father and girls everywhere lust after him (me NOT being one of them)
the man whom you call a father!!!
by Liz January 9, 2005
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