why me and my deez
that's why your momma dead, dead as hell, what shoes was she wearing

she was indeed wearing deez numbs
by irene rav January 25, 2022
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After drinking exactly the right amount of beers for your worries to disappear but before you get wasted.
Beer-numb = Stop hazzling me bro, just relax, everythings gonna be fine!
by Jimz From Sweden June 18, 2009
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The best song by Pink Floyd, if you are on any drug especially ecstasy, this songs speaks to you and means so much. It is such a beautiful song, filled with so many meanings, but if you listen to it while high, you can feel the music crawl up your arm and around your shoulders and become one with you, techno does this too, but Confortably Numb does more than take you over, it is you.
Kid on Drugs: Listen to Comfortably Numb, if you want to be controlled by music.
by BoylanSodaCompanyIsGood October 21, 2006
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Slang originating from Evansville, IN. Reffers to the effects of Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms. They honestly make your dick numb.
I took the numb dicker off and was able to punch my cock without feeling a thing!
by Bryan H K February 6, 2004
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From Robot Chicken: Intravenously injecting Novocain into your blood stream so you cannot feel anything and then letting your buddies beat the shit out of you.
Byran and I went numb chucking with Guillermo. Guillermo shit his pants.
by mistahtom@aol.com May 15, 2006
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An incredibly stupid person.
John is a numb nuts, he thaught Berlin was in France!
by Gring May 26, 2006
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