Telling someone they are not doing anything useful with their time.
Person 1: "I thought I told you to do your homework."
Person 2: "I am."
Person 1: "To me it just looks like you're fucking the duck."
by jg357 November 11, 2018
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Person 1: Layouts for the next week?

Person 2: Fuck A Duck!!
by JasonHunt July 15, 2011
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Much like Oh Shit but not said near as loudly. Used when something goes way wrong.
You spill a hot cup of coffee, you exclam "Fuck a Duck"
by Beeatrice April 6, 2010
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The term used by people when realising a mistake that can not be rectified and would mean doing the task from scratch. i.e. Sticking a note on a floppy disk and holding it down with a magnet.

An unfortunate incident meaning the need to outburst a comment to show the annoyance of the person in question.
Sandy: wakie wakie, time to get up sunshine its finals day.
Rachelle: What time is it? I got to get to physics test by 9.
Sandy: sorry its 10, you looked so peaceful sleeping I thought you deserved a lay in.
Rachelle burring head in pillow: Fuck a duck!
by tomlizard June 9, 2010
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Wow - did you see that levitating elephant. Fuck a duck!
by ScottyD99999 August 15, 2008
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A "fuck-and-duck" is when person "A" has sex with person "B", then avoids any and all contact with person "B". This may be to ensure that a sexual encounter becomes a one-night stand. It is also a means of breaking up with a person.
After the sixth unreturned phone call, Sharon began to suspect she was the victim of a fuck-and-duck.
by Moontos December 29, 2006
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