-people who bash dells are ignorant irrational people who feel a cumpulsive urge to make igorant non factually based stuff who have no right to judge what they cant match or have any knowledge of, haters of dells foam at the mouth becaue they have no idea what they're talking about... or they just are noob computer builders who fuck with stuff they dont know..
-my dell has lasted me several years with out crashing
this is my oppinion.. i could be wrong
by paul April 12, 2005
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1. A computer that is reliable and has never crashed. 2. A company that makes apple look like junk.
Wow, look how much better Dell is than Apple.
by RP123 May 5, 2005
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'it woz extra dell...hewww'
by Amy February 25, 2004
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dude that was a dell move you made.
by tq0587 February 4, 2011
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A concuction of shit and homosexuality mixed together inside a plastic frame. Normally exists for roughly half a year until the shit and homosexuality begin to stop functioning. Very vunerable to the 'blue screen of death'.
Conor: "Oh, i think i'll play some War Rock, then download some music"

Dell: "Having a spaz and then shuts down then gives you a load of code bullshit with a blue backround".

Conor: "Oh, the problem appears to be the printer driver, lets hold f12 when we turn the computer on and fix the computer like any other system, then I will restart".

Dell: "Having even more of a spaz".

Conor then takes the computer to Somalia to show the poor kids what this 'internet thing is' but they dont want it because everyone, LITERALLY everyone (even poor brainless Somalian kids) hate Dell.
by Pornhub.com July 27, 2009
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A phrase describing a super cool, smooth, mellow, down to earth, funny, stylish brother that don't take no shit from nobody. He quietly walks in a room and quickly owns it as his style, and grace radiates throughout the room and grabs everyones attention. He loves to laugh and doesn't start shit with anybody but definitely knows how to finish it once it's started! Well mannered fellow that gives the same respect to others that is given to him. Most of the time he's a positive cat who enjoys inspiring other's. Soulful brother who's heavily into the arts...Music, drawing, painting and poetry. Always running with a rhyme in the back of his mind. If he rocks with you then he'll go to hell and back for you but if he doesn't fuck with you then he wouldn't give you the urine out of his urethra to put you out if he walked by and you were on fire. All in all he's a cool classy brother.
Boy that Dell really knows how to dress. Dell is a funny guy but at the same time very serious as well.
by Naypalm1080 August 4, 2017
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Just that slut that works at the Slut Bucket on the corner. Anyways, she's hilarious but sometimes she's oh so slutty. She pulls off braces and is just fab
Oh my gosh Dell you're such a whore sometimes but oh well you have a nice butt.
by teenlaqueefa October 29, 2013
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