A state where people say it can be kind of hard to understand us because of the accent. We don't usually pronounce d's in words unless its at the beginning or if we try to. We usually pronounce Maryland "murlin" or "marlin", thats our only difference in speaking so we don't have an accent really.

Maryland has Howard County which is pretty rich and we have Baltimore. And Baltimore isn't ALL ghetto, only the projects is. We have D.C. and I don't know if its ghetto because I don't live there. D.C. is like New York only boring as hell, yeah the fucking white house is there, who cares?! Not me! It's just a fucking building!

Anyway Maryland also has P.G. County which is rough, and very conveniently a catholic high school is voted there. My brother who went there saw a kid get stuck up for his northface and he ran away.

Also we have the greatest 2 towns for living here. Ellicott City (where I live) is the second. AND IT SUCKS ASS! I DON'T EVEN GET HOW ITS UP THERE! Ellicott City is a boring place next to a town with a mall, it also has a high asian population so people don't always get a lot of candy on halloween. The only things to do in Ellicott city is get driven to the mall to hang out with people or go to peoples houses.

Columbia (where I used to live) is the first, it is a pretty kickass place and its next to Ellicott, the population is very diverse and there's a mall and woods near every house so there is always something to do there.
by joe725 April 10, 2007
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A unique state. The weather sucks (hot and humid as a mother in the summer, cold as a bitch in the winter) the blue crabs are severely overrated, Alaskan king crabs and such are better. The city of Baltimore is literally a dump and the people there have the most annoying accent on the face of the Earth (no offense). However, the scenic parts are nice and the suburbs of D.C. are awesome such as Montgomery County. Everything is here there are forests, beaches, and mountains.

Maryland Kid: I'm from Maryland, where we speak English.
by D.C. IS HORRIBLE April 18, 2009
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Known as "Maarilin" to those who live there. Maarilin is known for its large body of wuder, the Chesapeake bay. The University of Maryland, home of the terps(short for "terpin", or terrapin)is one of the largest public universities in America.

Maryland may as well be split into thirds and given to other states. Western Maryland, with some of the most affluent counties in the county(Montgomery, Howard) can go to Pennsylvania, there is no difference whatsoever. Northern Maryland(farms) can to West Virginia, i'm sure that all the hicks will get along very nicely. The Eastern Shore and southern Maryland(with all the crabs and home schooled kids) can go to Virginia, but only southern Virginia, seeing as people in northern Virginia are normal.

Maryland is not in the south, but it's not in New England either. Located right on the Mason-Dixon line, Maryland is suffering from a severe identity crisis.

One of the best states in the Union(if you were to take away the Eastern Shore and PG county)
Person 1: Where are you from?
Person 2: Maarilin
Person 1: Where?
Person 2: (with great difficulty) Maryland
Person 1: Oh, are you a hick, a redneck, or a rich ass white kid?
by kellancullen January 10, 2009
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Best state ever! To be a true Marylander you got to at least like crabs little bit. We have Maryland accents and farms are in your neighborhood or are near one unless you live in the city. The city is ghetto and kind of dirty but only a half hour to an hour away depending on where you live. Maryland girls go to the mall a lot and can be found wearing hollister and aeropostale. Most marylanders are republicans. We get all types of weather here. us marylanders are cool people!
Girl 1: I live in Maryland
Girl 2: no way! That's so cool! I wanna live here!
Girl 1: you should. Harford county rocks!
Girl 2: (moves to harford county) this place is awesome!
Girl 1: I know! Let's go to the mall!
by eesingz48 August 24, 2011
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1. The action of committing to a social gathering (dinner/drinks, cookout, movie, theatre, etc) with plenty of time to spare, only to cancel at the last minute.
2. A slightly ruder version of #1, although the person will simply pull a no show, and will not be reachable via phone or text when the event is taking place.
3. A more extreme version of #1 & #2, a Marylander will additionally reconfirm once or twice throughout the week and will show enthusiasm for the event, promise not to pull a "Marylander" again, yet still will

1. A person who, after moving to Maryland, loses the ability to follow through with social events and repeatedly pulls a Marylander.
ex1. John and Sue planned a nice gathering for Saturday. Nelson agreed to come on Monday, confirmed Thursday, and then pulled a Marylander on Saturday.
ex2. 'Example: Joe: "How was the cookout, did Nelson come?" Lorrie: "Nahh, that douchebag Marylander pulled a Marylander again. We need to move out of this state. "
by Nelson Gallagher April 12, 2014
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1. A teacher that is constantly following you around and asking you to join a club. Usually teaches band.

2. An idiot. An absolute idiot.
Selvester Stallone: "Why won't that lady leave me alone? I already told her I didn't want to join!"

Ryan Seacrest: "Because she's a maryland.
by Ombre February 27, 2009
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