Another word for roadkill. Gets its name from a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas mission "Fender Ketchup" in which the player must scare a mobster that is tied to the hood of their car.
"That deer became fender ketchup".
by flashadams November 12, 2006
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guy: Does anyone smell pennies?
woman: Sorry, just my cunt ketchup.
by michaelpulaski January 14, 2012
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A tomato dipping square that is loved by millions! Even other foods love it!
Banana: Yummm Ketchup is so good
Skyler: I know right! It’s the best
by Sherli Damelio January 12, 2021
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It's where you pour a half full bottle of ketchup into another half full bottle so you have one full bottle
Um, I wanted to get here early to marry the ketchups.
by kbaderak September 30, 2011
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The most vile and disgusting thing found on Earth. Often a result of laziness due to a lack of shaking a ketchup bottle before spewage onto a plate of fries or hamburger.
I would rather drink diarrhea vomited from your mother's ass after being fermented in a hippos vagina for 8000 years than ketchup water touch my fries.
by PeeJayAych January 3, 2008
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A cardboard cutout of a ketchup bottle with Benjamin Franklins head on it

A recurring character on Unus Annus
Mark: "Oh I'd ride Benjamin Ketchup like a hurricane"
by EmzieWemzie January 11, 2021
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When working as a professional in your field, you are usually faced with input from colleagues that have different and often over-bearing opinions. Sometimes they beat down your expertise to where there is no choice but to let them have it their way. It is a modern day "Pearls before Swine" when you give in, but it beats getting high blood pressure. Let it go.

Some people are hell-bent on putting their "taint" on your project even though they don't have your skills.
"The producer kept beating me down until I made the CD cover polka dot. I let him have his ketchup on a lobster"
by Billiest March 8, 2010
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