A tiny excuse for a male organ. Makes you want to kill yourself...
A little penis will not satisfy anyone, not even yourself!
by Itty bitty bob January 15, 2020
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when you do anal but your partner hasn't wiped
Mike got a fat chode of a poopoo penis when he stuck it in a poopy butthole.
by averagexeno May 5, 2020
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a game of at least 2 people, in which you must take turns saying penis. there are only three rules:

- you must say "penis" when it's your turn
- you must say it louder than the person preceding you
- you must not laugh, giggle, chortle, etc.

failing to follow these rules will result in elimination. have fun!
wanna play the penis game?
by loonafan45 August 14, 2022
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The penis game is a 2-6 player game created by the youtuber Baylen Levine. You stand in a crowded area then you and your friend take turns of saying the word 'penis' and you gradually get louder.
You: Let's play the penis game.
Friend: penis
You: penis
Friend: PENIS
by bbigbbarry January 9, 2022
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Having a pimple on your penis
"Hey man why do you always spend so much time in the bathroom"
"Oh sorry, I've just got a Puss Penis
by Aj3900 February 15, 2017
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