A noisy little bird, that flies upside-down and backwards in the dark.
Well, isn't he a silly twit.
by old_basher June 14, 2017
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Hwasa from the Kpop girl group Mamamoo says Twit is a person who is “innocent and kind and that the person is just a good person.”
That person is a twit you should date them.
by Pumkineatergriffin November 22, 2020
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Sometimes, when my face hasn't been palmed enough, I go looking at the daily twits to be reminded of the inane things small hands and a keyboard can do, when put together.
by megabrain12345 February 24, 2017
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Noun. A female that thinks she guys want her cuz she acts dingy and like a dumbass around them .... especially when other or ex females are around.
Tell the twit she ain't pretty..
by Kay P. January 14, 2018
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Twat with a different letter, most likely used to bypass filters.
He's being an annoying twit.
by MemeMachine2019 December 11, 2015
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A Twitter user. Does anyone really need to know when you go shopping or sit on the toilet?
Allison: Did you know Ashton Kutcher has a Twitter page?
Brandon: Guess that makes him a Twit then.
Allison: wha?
Brandon: You don't get it do you.
by mikeygoodfella May 29, 2009
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The process of posting messages to one's Twitter page.
"I was twitting throughout that whole presentation this morning."
by Ballapeno November 10, 2008
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