An expression used to challenge a person to commit an action.
Appropriate responses are as follows:
In agreement to do the action = "Who Won't?"
Not in agreement to do the action = "You right"
Absolutely not in agreement to do the action = "Are you dumb?"
To counter challenge = "YOU won't!"
When used in an overly serious manor "you won't" may be interchangeable with "You will not!"
Warning: Increased use of alcohol can and will cause excessive repetition.
Appropriate responses are as follows:
In agreement to do the action = "Who Won't?"
Not in agreement to do the action = "You right"
Absolutely not in agreement to do the action = "Are you dumb?"
To counter challenge = "YOU won't!"
When used in an overly serious manor "you won't" may be interchangeable with "You will not!"
Warning: Increased use of alcohol can and will cause excessive repetition.
by R U Dumb February 4, 2010
by Ayuryari November 25, 2021
The act of saying the phrase "YOU WON'T!" after someone announces they're going to do something. Generally used to be funny, and/or taunt the individual.
by Nana. September 10, 2011
Whenever someone says they'll do something, someone else comes back with "You won't!" It's almost like a dare. If the person does said thing, the "You won't"-er usually comes back with something like "OK, so maybe you will."
Commonly used by the surf-bum kids who pioneered such gems of slang like "Dude" and "Sweet".
Commonly used by the surf-bum kids who pioneered such gems of slang like "Dude" and "Sweet".
Person1: Man, every time my math teacher gives me homework, I want to pull a Columbine on her!
Person2: You won't!
(Person1 does. Person2 is arrested as an accessory.)
Chemistry Teacher: Now, Hydrogen gas explodes very easily. I could show you a demonstration, but I don't have time.
Pyromaniac Class: You won't! You won't!
Chemistry Teacher: Well, I GUESS we could squeeze it in...
Class: Yay!!!
Person2: You won't!
(Person1 does. Person2 is arrested as an accessory.)
Chemistry Teacher: Now, Hydrogen gas explodes very easily. I could show you a demonstration, but I don't have time.
Pyromaniac Class: You won't! You won't!
Chemistry Teacher: Well, I GUESS we could squeeze it in...
Class: Yay!!!
by JillieManicotti February 18, 2004
by Alpha Cue August 15, 2018
1: Jump over that bridge, no rocks, you won't
2: Bet
*2 then runs toward the bridge, but chickens out*
2: Bet
*2 then runs toward the bridge, but chickens out*
by cinimodde October 19, 2018
expression used by people, often while playing sports in gym or practicing for their band; challenge of skill;
Guy about to shoot a basketball: I'm gonna make it in!
Other Guy: You won't!
Guy: Say I won't
Other Guy: You won't LOSER
Guy shoots and makes it in
Guy: OH! OH! who da man?
Other Guy: You won't!
Guy: Say I won't
Other Guy: You won't LOSER
Guy shoots and makes it in
Guy: OH! OH! who da man?
by Kay March 21, 2004