
When you go out to either: hug someone, shake their hand or any other type of greeting and they respond by shoving their palm in your face...subsequently knocking you backwards, foiling your attempt.
#1) - Yo man....Richie just palmed that skanky ho'
- Hellz yeah man, he don't want none of that.

#2) In Dave Chappelle's "things would look better in slow motion" skit. He palmed a woman 'cause she got in his way.
by Lindsey N. February 12, 2006
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When a person rubs a mans boxers, where his penis is.
“don’t make me beg” he said harshly before bringing a hand to his bulge and palming himself slowly.
by ANDIEISACUTIE August 4, 2015
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Masturbating by rubbing your palm on your penis, head, or vagina
Mary: I love palming
Jack: can i do some palming on yoyu
by PooperLooping May 13, 2021
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"Oh dude, I can't believe my girlfriend caught me palming myself yesterday"
by Elementum September 18, 2007
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When a person grabs some other persons butt, whether they like it or not. But I don't mean just grabbing, I mean like grabbing hold and holding it for 3 secs minimum.
Did you see Mary get palmed by Chris?
Yeah, if he palms me one more time I'll palm him back!
by Lyssa November 10, 2004
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a part of your hand which most people dont know is a much better substitute for a fist when your hitting something. The reasons for this is because an open hand is more relaxed and is thus more powerful. It is also safer because the skin on your knuckles can split easily. You also have a smaller chance to break your fingers.
Smart people use palm strikes intead of fists when fighting
by Jimmy the Reaper August 19, 2006
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1) The 'inside' of the hand (when a fist is made). Food is usually held in/balanced on the palm.

2) To hold a basketball (or something else, maybe; I've only heard it used when talking about basketball) with only the palm. Useful when dunking.

3) Tropical tree. Its leaves are known as 'fronds'.
1) I wrote 'Get $5 for field trip' on my palm, but it had worn off by day's end.

2) I can't palm a basketball. Don't make fun of me, please.

3) There are birds on top of that palm.
by Diggity Monkeez April 25, 2005
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