The most fucking disgusting fucking potent coffee in the world.
My first and ONLY Starbucks experience:

Me: I got a coffee from Starbucks the other day, and then I had to be admitted to the hospital to get that battery acid pumped out of my stomach.

My friend who had never been cursed into having a Starbucks coffee before: Why the fuck did you drink it then if it tasted like that?

Me: Because I thought it was fucking supposed to taste like that. I always heard that it was STRONG.

Her: Hahahahaahahaha!

Me: *punches her in the face then continues groaning about aching stomach*
by SexYes October 17, 2007
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The only coffee shop (I know of at least) where the tall is a small and the short is an extra large. You also have to speak what I call "Starbucks" to order anything fancy there. Sheesh.
Barista: "Welcome to Starbucks"
Customer: "I'll have a grande caramel latte with ice and an expresso shot please."
Barista: "Would you like whipped cream or caramel sauce on that?"
Customer: "No thanks, but I'll also get one of your venti Mocha frappachino iced coffees!"
by bonjourno July 31, 2007
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a really good coffee shop where they starve all the kids in africa to make them work under-paid every day
but we love it to the core anyway!
"lets go to starbucks and order a tall, skinny, hazelnut caffe latte with no added sugar, and expresso shot and no cream. because its blates the best drink that they do!"
by LucyInTheSkyWithDiamonds April 26, 2008
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*A meeting place adored by many.
*A place were great things happen
*The perfect caramel macchiato
*A retreat for cool people
*A place to get a status in the world
*A place to be cool!
S: 'You want a social life?'
P:'Yeah, blad, let's go starbucks'
K:'yeah, den we'd be well cool'
by The height of coolness September 4, 2007
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The act of Starbucking refers to the mass global-organising of certain shops or products appearing everywhere in daily life. For example, Local pubs in England have followed almost the same trend due to the Government changing their appearence and interiors, making them identical to other pubs.
*5 friends enter a pub after coming from another pub*

Oliver: "I'm feeling Deja-vu"
Peter: "This looks exactly the same as the last one!"
Steven: "What did I say? Starbucking, It's happening everywhere, Man!"
by Gary King, of the Humans August 10, 2013
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A person that sits inside of a Starbucks and is there only to look intelligent or stylish.

These people are most likely pretentious hipsters who like to mouth off words that you don't even know (or maybe they don't even know) just to confuse you and broadcast their mental superiority. They also probably listen to NPR radio, only watch the news, is a vegetarian, and is a very eco-minded person.

How to spot a Starbuker:

After finishing their coffee they don't leave, they may have even fallen asleep.

This person may be holding, carrying, or wearing any of the following:

-Any Macintosh product
-A "classic" work of fiction
-A biography or documentary book of some sort
-Anything eco-friendly
-Chico or form fitting Pants
-A shirt or sweater made in a solid muted color, like burgandy, or olive green etc.
Jane is such a Starbucker; she will sit in the Starbucks lougne for 2 hours with her Macintosh laptop while listening to NPR radio.
by TechnoFan21 July 22, 2009
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A location that is so remote that it does not even have a Starbucks within 5 minutes.
Driving through Paradise California a few months after the Camp Fire...
Jillian: Wow, this place is really desolate. It's like we are in the middle of nowhere.
Terry: Ya it is, no Starbucks.
Jillian: Not even able to place a mobile order to pull a Starbucks virtual cut.
by the comand'r June 25, 2019
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