The most ugly, tanned, bitchy whore in the entire World! No, I mean the entire fucking UNIVERSE!!!!!!
Seriously, this girl looks like a fat, greasy, vulgar and ugly oompa-loompa who gets ride by every guy who passes in front of her.
by TEuIN!CBSABCBS!TuCTuC October 31, 2010
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a fake wannabe guidette, but isnt even italian. She's adopted and chilein.
by princess of poughkeepsie January 13, 2010
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She puts the capital S in STD
sorry bro but that what you get when you fuck a Snooki
by T_Vittle January 1, 2011
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A rare breed of Eastern United States Troll. A Snooki is generally found face down in a gutter or sewer covered in it's own vomit or at a tanning salon trying to bake itself into a vaguely human form to fool the masses of teenage/early twenties wannabe ho's and doushe bags.

If confronted by a Snooki be advised that you should cover your ears so you can't here it try to speak an english like language to lure you into it's mouth, and cover your eyes because due to it's small pea sized brain it will assume that if you can't see it, it can't see you.
Oh no, run everybody it's one of those Snooki's and it looks mighty hungry!!
by T_Vittle December 31, 2011
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One of the cast members of the original series Jersey Shore. The 4'9 tall guidette who loves juiceheads and pickles. When something makes her upset she goes "Waaaa"
JWOWW:Snooki what's wrong?
Snooki:Emilio just told me he fucked a girl!
JWOWW: That's fucked up
Snooki: Waaaaa!!!
by Deztiny October 18, 2010
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Main Entry: Snoo· kie
Pronunciation: \sə-noo-key-\
Function: noun, adjective
Date: 2009

: relating to or being a dirty vagina : maintaining a superficial outlook esp. concerning promiscuity: extraordinary nasty and probably bad smelling up close

snoo·kie·ish adverb

— snoo·kie·d transitive verb
"Damn Regg! That snookie made my house stink!"

"Is that a snookie I smell, or did someone microwave a cat?"

"James got snookied by a prostitute at his bachelor party."
by KB5K February 3, 2010
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