mlook at that moke...narc that moke...mokelicious
by cul May 31, 2004
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Another name for a cigarette or a smoke.
"Wanna moke?"

"Sure light me one!"
by Mynamesblurryface21 December 30, 2016
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A seemingly counter-intuitive school of thought emphasizing the importance of the present. Moke philosophy was founded by the legendary Elder Archimandrite Mokentius himself soon after attaining enlightenment under the shade of a protractor. This profound philosophy encourages clarity of mind, skillful focus on any given task, and a general sense of ease in life affirmed by the central tenets of "Don't Care" and "Tough Shit", often abbreviated as "DC" and "TS" to avoid offending the more delicate among his tutelage.

Mr. Moke often motivates his students with the allure of material wealth and affluence in order to get them to strive for their utmost best every waking moment.
Mr. Moke: "Sarah whats the difference between triangle A and triangle B?"
Sarah: "Nothing"
Mr. Moke: "Looks like someone has been subscribing to Moke Philosophy!"
Student 4: "Whaaa?"
(Mr. Moke shakes his head and precedes to write TS on the whiteboard)
by SuperUber255 January 17, 2019
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I dont know who uses the word moked referring to drugs. getting moked means your getting done foul. if you got jumped real bad are aired out (shot up) they'd say you got moked out.
Perfect example, in the words of the late, great, notorious Biggie Smalls: "the nigga just got moked out like that, man" (Biggie Smalls - "MISS U")
by Gauk July 15, 2019
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moke wed is when you eat medical and safe mariwana under god's wishes.
person 1: "bro i just moke wed"
person 2: "i hope you did it in the lord's name"
by mokeforjesus November 29, 2018
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Slang used to refer to people from Hawaii who speak pidgin English and who are in and out of prison throughout their adult life. Typically, they have blue collar jobs when not in prison. When off probation they usually smoke a lot of meth and speak negatively of “haoles” and other people with larger man parts than them.
Kevin is such a dumb moke is he smoking dope again?!
by Adrienochrome October 25, 2020
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