Emo? You people really have no idea what you are talking about. This shitty band is not emo. In fact emo doesnt even really exist.
Person One: "Hey do you like emo?"
Person Two: "I hate you."
by atthedrive-inforever January 25, 2005
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very cool until the establishment turned them into merchandise.
Pillow cases adorned with C.C.'s face, embroidered DC wallets, and other such nonsense.
by akk November 28, 2003
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An emo band which is largely listened to by spoiled rich kids who live very pampered lives, in the hopes that it makes them appear to be deep and thoughtful. Also, it turns guys into large vaginas, due to their liking it to impress their girlfriends.
Dashboard Confessionals suck, do you really need an example?
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pussies who cry and whine about their girlfriend dumping them and not getting any pussy
music isn't muysic unless its fueled by pussified fags on estrogen
by dyke November 9, 2004
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Okay, now I'm not going to totally call Chris a total pussy here, but here's the deal with Dashboard. They aren't emo. As much as you'd like to think so, they just aren't. Hands Down is a fucking amazing song, so is Age Six Racer. Chris Carabba (or however you spell his last name) is talented, and I do enjoy a little Dashboard once in a while. I also think that he's writing from the heart and it's some good stuff. Emo?

He. Destroyed. Emo.

He took emo music and made it mainstream. He's all over TRL. He's on t-shirts (and not cool ones, like the one's with Bert McKraken from The Used, that say "Berty is my Homeboy" and he looks like Jesus).

And he cried during a song. That's too much. I mean, seriously? That's pathetic. Now, I cry too, I can be emo once in a while, but onstage, in front of like three thousand people? No. And he stopped the song too, didn't he? Man, that's bull. Kids don't want to see that. Kids want you to finish the damn song.

Now, please, do not flame me. Dashboard Confessional, by all means, is a good band. Definitely not "the best emo band ever", because Taking Back Sunday takes them, rapes them up the ass and runs over them with an 18-wheeler. Carabba is a good singer and a good guitarist and a good composer. Does he make emo music? No. Does he write thoughtful lyrics? If they make sense to you, then by all means, yes. Do they make sense to me? Sometimes, but usually I think it's crap.

Honestly, let's just categorize music into "rock". So Taking Back is "rock" and so is Dashboard. However, Taking Back Sunday is "good rock" and Dashboard Confessional is "not-so-good rock". Of course, their shittiness has NOTHING on Simple Plan. But that's another entry.

Plus, Chris waxes his eyebrows?
dude1: "so i LOOOOOVE dashboard confessional like so much!"

dude2: "taking back sunday will rape them up his waxed eyebrowed anushole and murder them with an emo knife"
by james f August 12, 2005
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Not the best emo band ever, but still in the top 3, they rock, whoever doesn't listen to them needs mental help seriously
I am vindicated, I am selfish I am wrong. they are so totally emo, they rock
by nate a February 14, 2005
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A type of disorder in which you are inclinded to tell the truth while in the car.

Disorder geneticaly found in white people, general rich (higher class, coming from higher class generations, reason: found in caviar originaly)
My girlfriend dumped me because i told her i tried to slit my wrist while driving to a emo concert.
by Balishma January 10, 2005
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