A meal designed for traveling. Especially by car in that the packaging fits in the cup holder.
Creamy tomato soup is my favorite Cup-Holder Cuisine. I love Campbell's soup on the go!
by ~Michelangelo February 14, 2013
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Eating an enormous meal then taking a tiny shit no where near equivalent to the amount of food you ate
After 3 trips to the buffet all I could produce was a lean cuisine steamer! Where did the rest go?
by ZMann January 7, 2011
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when you put rice, chow mein, and other asian spices and sauces in a vagina. Fuck her to mix it all up, then eat it as it falls out of her
by ronnie mac April 27, 2014
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"Undignified" or "bare basics" foods like quick-oats mixed with milk and raisins, canned stew/sausages/beans eaten straight out of the can, etc.
Self-sufficient dude: I really appreciate how Tiffany accepts me as I am and is always okay with just the typical "bachelor pad" cuisine that I feed her whenever she comes over... she values my companionship and caring, she realizes that I am always kind and generous in my own way, and she is grateful for any and all help that I give her, and so she doesn't mind my somewhat-cluttered digs or the hard-boiled eggs and cold "reduced for quick sale" sandwiches soaked in whole milk that I typically serve her for snacks.
by QuacksO October 21, 2018
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A term used to describe a random Indian restaurant my mom drove past.
Jansen is so hot and saw Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine.
by SpaghetsRcool December 5, 2021
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A meal so good it makes you open your eyes wide and slowly nod in appreciation.
Wow, Sam's dad really can cook some mean cuisine.
by brocoloid February 5, 2018
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