Group of people who work out hard 7 days a week at gyms. usually live by the phrase "shut up and train". They are muscular and often take supplements like Superpump.
Have you seen those animals in the gym? Yea, they roll with the swoll squad.
by bighoss94 January 22, 2011
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A team composed of all guys who sit around and pinch each others nipples until they become swollen.
Hey Dude pinch my nipples I wanna get on Team Swoll
by Mr.Take A Freaking Guess September 28, 2010
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Michele better hope of the D before she can't get jeans over her swoll hole!
by Mylevel90 September 23, 2016
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To be big headed or arrogant. To be full of yourself. To be conceited. To think you are better than everyone else for little or no reason at all.

A varation of having a swollen head.

Man! Ever since James got his new car, dem girls got his head on swoll.
by quietstar May 18, 2006
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A group of legit ass homies getting buff as fuck
Today Chris, Mark, Robert, Nick, and Eddie were at the gym getting there team swoll on.
by The man 97665235532 September 25, 2010
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1.a title given to a person who is muscular or "ripped"

2. a complete fag
1. Ben is such a swoll cat!

2. He deserves to be a swoll cat.
by The mOngOse June 15, 2010
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Female version of blue balls. Usually, due to intercourse that begins wonderfully but ends with the man ejaculating prematurely before the woman can finish.
I'm so pissed right now. My sugar daddy gave me major pink swolls last night.
by Monty G. Thwaite March 12, 2016
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