When pressed for time, one may find oneself unable to clean ones whole body body before an important social occasion eg. first date, court appearance. A quick wash under the armpits and application of Lynx to teh groin area can be a handy alternative.
After fucking my sister, I found upon myself a quite unwholesome stench; a quick Paisley shower later, and one was resplendent down the town in ones white tracky for the dancing...
by marka March 9, 2005
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paisley is a cool place and is run by the coolest dude about Grant Edgar
were are we ?

dont know but check that cool dude!

wee must be in paisley , scotland
by coolest guy fae paisley July 31, 2009
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Cheap party drink mix made with 2 cups of Zima, 2 cups grape kool-aid and a splash of lemonade.

Named for the guy who came up with the mix.
We can't afford vodka so lets make some purple paisleys.
by jd January 4, 2005
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terrifically body-fluided mattress
dude!, you need to dump that paisley sealy! think it could tell some stories?
by michael foolsley November 22, 2009
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Somebody not capable of holding out the hand of brotherhood and friendship. Not interested in peace, just self-righteousness.
We could use less Dr. Ian Paisley's in the world, no matter who's side they're on.
by Dope Slanger March 25, 2006
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The biggest hate-monger ever born on the island of Ireland. Once stood up in the European Parliament and screamed at the pope. Employs inflammatory, anti-Catholic rhetoric, then throws up his hands and proclaims it's nothing to do with him when Unionist paramilitaries go on the rampage. Refuses to do us all a favour by dying.
Ian Paisely is an asshole.
by CWulf August 7, 2005
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1. Someone with a phony doctorate.
2. Religious and politcal leader in Northern Ireland with a phony doctorate and an extremely suspect religion.
Bob: Check out my doctorate in computer science!

Adrian: Wait a minute... this is written on two sheets of toilet paper, and it's signed by you, AND you spelt your own name wrong!

Bob: It's all good!
by Honest Bob January 18, 2005
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