Something to say when a joke isn't funny, instead of the common 'no' or an unimpressed look. Usually accompanied by a pause.
A:'why did the chicken cross the road'
A:' to get to the other side'


A: I have such a funny story, (insert unfunny story here)
B:.... log
by ;) ilovebablake December 24, 2009
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logs is a shortcut for tagalog word, tulog.
"logs na ako"
by aeriisinlove September 4, 2022
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The opposite of POG
Used when something un-poggers happen, it stands for Loss Of the Game
Damn i broke up with my gf, that's really log
by Bottle_of_potatos March 12, 2021
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beating good debaters in varsity LD
"Oh no--I'm about to debate last year's TOC winner!"
"Good luck logging."
by failure-not September 28, 2009
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Cop slang for phone records.
Cop 1: "Did you pull the logs on the suspect?"
Cop 2: "I'm still waiting on the phone company."
by jgo312 November 14, 2005
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1.a very fat man or woman
2.a pice of wood
3.a lazy person
1."mom look at that log"
2."can you walk across the log"
3."dad get up you log you"
by toll2323 April 9, 2009
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