his a sweet,intelligent,skillful yet clumsy.

his a misunderstood guy whit a bad past, but not afraid to find love and keep moving forward. his a loyal and a lovable person but a bit short temper. his a pervert that gets horny around of 60 times a day or more. his a innocent guy but yet bad.
he makes any girl in this case his girl hot and wet really fast, making her shake and scream his name.
when his single his a total mess but when he finds love his capable to love that special someone to death.
Julian a light brown skin guy from puertorico
OMG his totally a julian look at that boner! :0
by darklyzation May 12, 2011
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Someone of the male personage who flies half mast during inappropriate moments i.e one minute silences for lives lost in fires.
Also known to make inappropriate sexual innuendo out of any comment made by a female. Often likes to dance!

girl 1: Are you coming to the movies tonight!
girl 2: Yeah, I'll come.
Boy 1: I bet you will!
girl 1 and 2: Ohhh your such a julian!
by Rice Bubbles April 24, 2009
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A migrating nomad more commonly found in the Western Hemisphere. Often seen doing supernatural things such as backpacking from place to place in search of beautiful landscapes and long-lasting experiences.
Amy: "Did you see the Julian?"

Person: "No."

Amy: "That's cause he already left for Sweden."
by TheLoisLane December 22, 2010
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Young man, strong minded, jealous, protective, as handsome as it gets, caring of everyone's feelings just unsure how to speak his mind at times making him appear kind of assholeish. He will save your life and you will never regret meeting him but he will also break your heart to pieces.
Wow look at that confusing son of a bitch, he must be Julian!
by Ooooooook September 21, 2014
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A very peculiar person, quite cranky, and acts like a child most of the time. Acts very immaturely and is not cautious at all.
Yo. Did you see that kid hit himself with the tape measure? He pulled a total Julian.
by shawty bae😩 September 6, 2021
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