(n): formerly terrorist. 1.) Loose bands of murderous thugs striving for world domination by indiscriminate bombing/shooting of innocent, unarmed, unassociated victims at social events or other gathering places. 2).) Band of murderous thugs fruitlessly advancing a failing social or political agenda through acts of murder or violence.
"Terrorists" aren't really about terror they're ANGER-ist. That is, they're really a bunch of jerks blowing things up and killing people, just to piss people off. They really should be called 'angerist' - as they create anger and aggression, but are incapable of solving problems or advancing society by peaceful means.
by sjpikeMD November 15, 2015
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A man who is a chauvinistic sexist narcissist. Otherwise known as a Pete-ist.
Why does Pete act the way he does?

He acts that way, because he is a Pete-ist.
by Filipino Wall Climber June 25, 2020
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When one believes that another party is racist, and consequently hates them without ever actually coming in contact with them.
The apartment below us is racist-ist against us, probably because we had to go out on the balcony and hail Hitler every time we drank due to a rule change in a game of kings, but it's totally not racist because Mort was doing it too.
by Nippledick March 14, 2010
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Being yelled at, without being asked if you could talk first
When someone goes 'ape' without saying hey i need to talk to you about something. eg. Your mum walks into your room. "YOU'RE FAILING SCHOOL YOU'RE GROUNDED. CLEAN YOU'RE ROOM." - "Mum stop being an Ape-ist"
by Huge-G November 24, 2010
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(n.) someone who only dates people who are both vertically-challenged and incredibly skinny.
(adj.) describing someone who only dates people who are both vertically-challenged and incredibly skinny.
(n.) "I would be going to homecoming with (name), but he's a petite-ist."
(adj.) "I would have gotten a date, but all the boys in this school are petite-ist."
by Free the Poet September 21, 2011
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the most annoyin as hell virus/malware u can get on your computer
i guess im fucked over, huh?
by nick December 14, 2004
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One who automatically refers to all Japanese cars as a "ricer". Also, one who has a hatred for any car that has been modified unless it is a Chevy or Ford.
Billy Bob Buttfuck over there called my 300zx a ricer because I put rims on it. At least I didn't jack it up like his F150 shit wagon. Fuckin' rice-ist.
by dosxfx August 17, 2015
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