cuase of sudden GPA drops in highschools across the world.
little billy was a straight A student, turned in his work on time, always on time for school, and never fell asleep in class.
little billy now is a nocturnal energy drink chugging pasty white as snow trash talking FIEND that goes by an alias known only to him and other xbl affiliates.

lil billy will be missed.....

by BE_PREPARED! September 26, 2007
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(GF. on the phone): hey babe whacha doin?
(BF.): ....... yes double kill!
(GF): huh? what are you talking about? Are u on halo 3 again?
(BF): ....... umm ya...cant talk u back later..bye
by brennan parker March 5, 2008
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A good example of Microsoft taking all of the credit for Bungie's work.
"hey look! Bungie made a new game! Halo 3" *Microsoft staff comes bursting through door and kills family*
Microsoft Staff: "No, we made it!"
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the game that is single handedly kicking the ps3 in the balls
kid 1: i just got a ps3
kid 2: i just got halo 3
(everyone kicks kid 1 in balls) fuck ps3 lets play halo
by lylemorrison33 October 2, 2007
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- without this game most guys would spend most of their time masturbating
What are you doing today jimmy:
1. masturbate
2. play halo 3
3. masturbate to master chief

choose wisely jimmy
by Hartzell October 8, 2007
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A game so addicting the only way to quit is to kill yourself.
jimmy played halo 3 so much he eventually killed himself.
by oozy rat October 29, 2007
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The last game in the Halo series, set to come out Q4 2006 to Q3 2007. Will be amazing.
The day Halo 3 comes out, my life will be complete. All other gamers should agree.
by Zidane is gay July 31, 2006
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