the present tense act of rubbishing someone
watch him as he boranges that boy to tears!
by clayton b January 6, 2005
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This is one of the greatest words in the english language (I mean aussie language) because of it's possible useage.

Implemented by Ross Noble and carried by everyone thanks to Terrie and Triple J COZ Triple J ROCKS.
Great ~ "This stuff is borange!!!"
Shit ~ "This stuff is borange!!!"
by Jazzy G January 8, 2005
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1. Something sub-par, or questionable, in quality.

2. The part of a ship that the lower classes use to do their drunk dancing.
1. That movie, Titanic, is borange.

2. That borange scene in that borange movie was borange.
by Geoff January 7, 2005
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An extention of the word Borange that everyone has been talking about so much over the past few days thanks to Ross on JJJ. It means the same thing, something bad or rubbish or crap but can now be said in a different context as a noun. Similar to the word abomination which means extreme discust or hatred.
"Oh what a borangation, this whole fiasco they have started with the word borange!!" or "You are a borangation to society!"
by Miss Macy January 7, 2005
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The warm fuzzy feeling you get when returning your 6ft cardboard cut out of Nanna Dorothy to the old peoples home after rescuing here from a Ballon ride and Ménage A Tois with fellow "Cut Outs"
"Where's me Ears" Chopper and "Shop Lifting is a crime" Copper. {No Garfields were harmed during the making of this definition and Nanna's still smiling}
"ohh Chopper get the cuffs off" said the copper, "and then you can't stop her"
by MadKelt January 6, 2005
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can mean allmost anything in the right context, such as mad or shit. invented by ross noble, who is borange. must be used with enthusiasm, strong word.
your gonna give me tickets to bdo? that is so barange!
by sally anstey January 5, 2005
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A general purpose word that can be used for any tool which doesn't have a name.
One of those metal thingies that's used for squeezing flexible filler from a tube.
e.g 'can I borrow your borange mate, I only need it for a day and don't want to have to buy one from B&Q'
by dickydido September 28, 2006
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