a clean and healthy relationship between a boy and a girl, without pre-marital sex or fooling around.
over my life time i only had an affair with my girlfriend and it was really a healthy one until we got married , really it was "a fair affair"
by April 17, 2010
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like a bromance, just a bit more sexy
love affair - BruvAffair
"Peter and Kevin's bruv affair is so naughty"
"So hot too"
by jamo no no September 24, 2022
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1) The act of having an affair (sex)
2) A phrase you can shout out when someone is being really emotional to another person OR when someone thanks someone for something, etc.
1) Did you hear about the couple who eloped and had an affair?
2) Jordan: Thank you Tony so much for fixing my computer!!
Tony: No problem
Jordan: I can't thank you enough!
Me: Aw, Love affair!!
by Home slice July 9, 2005
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An affair in which a male or female spouse are cheating on the other spouse with their side hoe/nigga.
Man: I can't believe that she got caught in her extramarital affair!

Man: Well dude, she was always a bit of a thot.
by americanrain March 16, 2015
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To stare one down stalkingly, who has no escape route.

Ex. On the interstate. look at the driver and make awkward eye contact but keep staring.

If gala affair is with the opposite sex, one must then reach down and write his number on a piece of paper and show it to the other person on the interstate.
Damn these kids keep gala affair ing me!
by Key421 May 1, 2010
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People you end meeting, on a Saturday night, after exhausting all possible, but unavailable, potential partners. Generally your relatives or shitty lays.
A: "Yo... what you doin´ Saturday night?"
B: "Surely bloody default affairs."
by rperazag June 30, 2010
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The need to or act of taking a violent painful dump
I'm sorry I can't make it to work today but I had to take a violent affair that tore me up
by Bitterman19 December 19, 2016
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