Clean freak who hates everyone and everything
High- 2" 11
Age- hot
Weight- also hot
Race- hot human
Hobbies- cleaning, killing titans, cleaning, yelling at teenagers, making teenagers clean, looking for new ways to get taller, cleaning, beating kids up wile they are tied to a pole
Eren: Wow I can't believe it! It's Levi Ackerman!!!

Levi: (ties eren to a pole and beats him) ~hehe~ (cleans up the blood on the ground)
by 👉👂i👁👄👁i👂 February 9, 2021
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Synonym for Beyblade

Real life fidget spinner.

In his mid-30's and 5'2 but all the teen hoes don't give a shit.
Sexually attracted to cleaning supplies and Erwin Smith.
He lost all his friends so he is resorted to hanging out with a bunch of children.
He's also hot. And fruity.
Person 1: There was this short old man bitch hanging out with kids in the park, he looked like a pedo.
Person 2: Was he making out with a bottle of Windex with Erwin Smith's face on it?
Person 1: Yes
Person 2: Oh, thats Levi Ackerman. He's fine as hell but he's fruity :(
by MistySprinkl3r September 13, 2021
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that straight faced mf from attack on titan or some shit??
how would I use Levi Ackerman in a sentence lmao wait nvm I already did
by billyraycyrusfan March 16, 2021
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When you chew the shit out of something your not exposed to chew.
Man 1- hey! see that retard over their, he’s pulling a “Dylan Ackerman” on that pencil
Man 2- uh it’s so gross watching him “Dylan Ackerman” it
by PU22YSL4YER6.9 May 15, 2019
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Short ass midget spinner, ALSO the most submissive and breedable attack on titan character ever.
He may be short and may look like a dominant man but NO he’s always in Erwin’s office getting his CHEEKS CLAPPED.
“Gosh I love Levi Ackerman, I want him to rail me”
Girl he’s submissive, he ain’t gonna rail nothing, that’s why his ass cheeks was getting clapped by Erwin last night
by Hanjismissingeye August 4, 2021
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2 words:
Humanity strongest.
If u want more:
Levi Ackerman...No Captain Levi Ackerman the son of Kuchel Ackerman ,survey corps captain, hot loking man, short (5'7/160cm) bc of starving in his shildhood, deep voice, has millions of simps (me), no love entrest till now, harsh life, ✨muscles✨, fits in every clothing, the man you dream of, beats Eren's a$$ all the time, Mikasa hates him, #1 clean freak, hold cup in a strange way, fidget spiner. And more....

P.S: Search Levi Ackerman on Google to see him clearly.
Levi simp: "Omg Levi Ackerman is soo ✨hot✨ i want to mary him.
Random person: " You know he's just an anime character right?
by A Pan-Cake August 18, 2021
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