A fancy name for being rejected for a job opportunity based upon the employer's excuse that "times are tough and they're just not able to hire anyone at the moment".
Despite posting record profits in the previous fiscal quarter, the major pharmaceutical company declined four dozen people at job interviews and gave them all an economic turndown.
by Raul (comes out at night) January 28, 2012
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Only eating Vegatables because you can't afford to buy meat.
He used to be an Economic Vegetarian but then he got a better job and can afford to buy steak.
by Lygreen145 July 11, 2008
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A socioeconomic philosophy that seeks to equalize decision-making power by giving ownership of businesses to the workers that run them. Allegedly, this will even out the distribution of wealth by shifting power from the minority (corporations) and put it in the hands of the majority (the people). Society will then democratically be able to choose the level of resources allocated to businesses.
Here is a link to an informative article explaining economic democracy in more depth, check it out!
by peacetothepeople May 18, 2016
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The concept of settling down with a girl over the winter months in order to save money and avoid going out on those cold nights.
"So mate, have you found yourself any economic profit yet?"
by doing the dishes May 26, 2016
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He paid his sister so much below market value for that property that it was economic incest.
by ThorMonster December 18, 2015
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An expression in which the economy has inflicted a bad thing on someone even though it was not the economy's fault.
*John gets his character in a game headshot*

John: Oh my god, I just got economically owned!

Mike: Well, the economy is to be blamed for this.

John: What the fu** does the economy have to do with this?

Mike: I don't fu***** know, just accept that you got economically owned.
by StealthBlackHand March 20, 2009
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Free Market Capitalism, a form of Social Darwinism predicated on the ability to obtain capital, wherein companies and corporations compete in a Darwinian market that favors whatever is best for business.
In theory Capitalism (Economic Darwinism) is supposed to be regulated by the consumer, but most consumers are lazy and apathetic and the majority of them are probably idiots, as evidenced by the survival of Electronic Arts and the success of the Twilight Saga.
by HighFunctioningSociopath September 14, 2011
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