Someone who would waste their life savings for Pokimaine to say his name , there are also more definitions to this word
40 year old that masturbates to hentai: I must be recognized *donates $10,000 to Pokimaine

Pokimaine: wow thanks for the dono *doesnt say name*

40 year old that masturbates to hentai: ... how must i be treated this way. i must simp more
by pseudonym ツ October 5, 2020
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A guy that puts himself in a submissive position to get/keep a girl.They put too much value into a female.
E.g-Koen the simp lord
by @Doahminik.mp4 February 25, 2020
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A term used by incels or 12-year-old gamers who think that men can’t compliment, admire or do anything for a woman for the sake of being kind.
John: Wow, Sarah looks beautiful.

Adam: You’re a simp.

John: I’m just being nice-

Adam: SIMP!
by KingCrumb March 23, 2020
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A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.

A man who puts bros before hoes.
Ash and Shaun are major simps.
by Owomydude May 25, 2020
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When a Simp chats up, flirts or spends more time than you do with your girl/boy friend. Be warned, If Dylan "the ginger" Woodridge enters your girls dms you will loose her. He will break into your girls dms cause he is a simp. he will use a crowbar.
Boyfriend "rats Dylan Woodridge just hoped into my girls dms"
Friend " damn you are about to be Simped"
by Simp Friend January 13, 2020
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A straight up melvin, a cockmaster, or a bitch. One who acts cool around his crew then turns around and is a complete bitchass with the women. He buys them shit, he tries to talk smack about his own gang, and he just want pussy from the bitches (which he won't cause the women know he a simp).
Dude 1: Dawg that boy Christopher is a complete simp, look at that nigga over there with Sue tryna get pussy

Dude 2: I know it; last week that nigga smoked that bitch Mildred out like 4 times for free, and he didn't even smoke til like a week ago. That man simpin for real.
by SimpKillersUnite September 28, 2010
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Verb version of “simp”
To be “in your feelings

Feeling emotional in a gloomy sense, usually about unrequited love.
Before becoming very common slang it was more often used to describe heterosexual men “simping” over a woman. More widely used now.
I’m kinda simping right now, maybe we can hang out tomorrow.

How do I stop simping?

I’ve been simping for weeks bruh, she said I look like Tupac.
by Gottaketchemall June 19, 2018
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